After receiving Feedback i found that people understood the concept however the first two images only had half of face and that was confusing and misleading to the audience. i wanted to show half the face in jail and the other face lighting coming through to show the transition from bad to good. the image showing half a face behind bars and the other half gives subliminal messaging that only part of the man is behind bars and the part of him wanting out of prison gives him the will power to want reform. where in contrast the image without the non prison face does give the sense that the person can reform.
Final Touches
After Playing around with the idea further about the reformed character i decided to simplify the idea by using just used a profile image on a man showing the stages. Firstly the jailed man, then the reformation beginning whilst the man is in jail and finally the end result is this completely reformed man. The first two image of the Triptych show the reformation happening slowly only one part of the man face is shown with the jail bars and handcuffs on his ears to indicate he is a prisoner along with his orange prison uniform in frame one. Frame two the same half of profile is shown only this time he is wearing a suit indicating his lifestyle changes. Finally the last frame shows the whole of the mans profile without the black jail bars but still in fragments to complete the whole of his reformation. This idea is taken further from the last development where i found too much was going on to understand what was trying to be portrayed. I feel this works better as its more simplistic and shows the fragment reform words better that the previous images. When shown to an audience they understood the message trying to be portrayed which was a reformed Character.
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